Special Issue - Call for Papers - Streets, archives, and museums. Vanishing points between Latinamerican art and artivism from a gender and decolonial perspective.


Streets, archives, and museums. Vanishing points between Latinamerican art and artivism from a gender and decolonial perspective.


Dr. Patricia Fogelman, PhD. CONICET, Instituto Ravignani UBA (Argentina)

Dr. Talía Bermejo, PhD. CONICET, UNTREF (Argentina)

Deadline for submissions (full articles): March 31, 2023.

This dossier’s objective is to function as a laboratory for thought, from the perspective of decolonial feminism, of possible vanishing points in the analysis of stages destined to art and artivism: museums, parks, and streets.

These stages are spaces of dispute for social representation and for women and sexual and gender dissidences’ rights, in which these groups seek to be seen and heard, and where they generate materials, sources and testimonies especially relevant to understand this era of changes, through the lens of sociocultural studies.

These documental materials can become patrimony if we re-think the central characteristics and conceptualizations around them because -on the other hand-, classic archives reflect hegemonic Western and patriarchal categories: thus, it is urgent to revise the formats, supports and functions of these sources, as well as the potential for transformation of memory and patrimony where femininities, sexual and gender dissidences, and their artistic expressions are considered.

Changing, flexible, sometimes elusive, the concepts of museum and archive constitute disputed grounds in which perspectives and interests converge. We propose to focus on communities, their social and political demands in regard to art and artistic activism.

Although the open call is wide and inclusive, we expect contributions from cultural historians, art historians, museum curators, anthropologists, gender and transfeminism researchers, with a particular emphasis on decolonial perspectives. Spontaneous, original, and unpublished articles are expected, results of original research, focused on the theme of the dossier and within the area of American history studies.

All proposed papers will be subject to an evaluation by, at least, two ad hoc referees, external to the Editorial Council of the magazine.

The proposed papers can be written in Portuguese, Spanish, or English. The original must be sent as a Word file, with a Times New Roman Font, Size 12, 1.5 space between lines, and A4 format. The articles and documents will have a minimum extension of 15 pages and a maximum of 30 pages, including bibliography and notes. For more information on editorial formatting, please read the magazine’s rules for authors at: https://revista.anphlac.org.br/anphlac/about/submissions#authorGuidelines