The “popular democracy” from the Frente Sandinista de Liebración Nacional: a brief discussion from inside the marxism debate and the revolutionary praxis
Abstract: In this article, we propose to establish an initial debate on the concept of democracy defended by the Sandinists, seeking to understand how these definitions are related to the Marxism discussion on hegemony and revolutionary awareness. For this purpose, we considered the singularity of the Sandinist process, which through armed struggle took power in Nicaragua in 1979, under the influence of the Cuban Revolution (1959), adopting its own revolutionary perspective, in which democracy is at the center of achieving national and popular sovereignty. To comprehend the project of democracy and hegemony dispute undertaken by the FSLN, we use the official documents, but also the Marxist debate, mainly from Gramsci, from Latin American historicity.
Keywords: Sandinist Revolution; popular democracy; latin-american left.
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