O Pensamento Naval nas páginas da Revista Marítima Brasileira (1970-1990): Guerra Fria, Détente, e a Guerra das Falklands/Malvinas


  • Vágner Camilo Alves INEST/UFF
  • Emílio Reis Coelho




Brazilian Naval Thought, Cold War, Falklands/Malvinas


This article aims to define the impact of the structure of the International System and the lessons learned from the Falklands/Malvinas War (1982) on Brazilian naval thinking. The issue is discussed based on articles in the Revista Marítima Brasileira (RMB), published between 1970-1990, with particular attention to texts written by the officers of the Brazilian Navy (MB). The articles are analyzed from a contextualization that has the Cold War as a background, the nuances that the bipolar conflict went through in that period, the influence of that dispute on Brazil, and the production of strategic thinking in the country. It should be noted that the conflict between the superpowers lost space in the RMB, throughout the temporal research window. Furthermore, the journal dedicated itself to publishing a more significant number of texts written by national authors. Despite this, it is shown that neither détente nor the Conflict in the South Atlantic significantly affected the course of Brazilian naval strategic thinking, which remained focused on the bipolar conflict.


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How to Cite

Alves, V. C., & Coelho, E. R. (2022). O Pensamento Naval nas páginas da Revista Marítima Brasileira (1970-1990): Guerra Fria, Détente, e a Guerra das Falklands/Malvinas. Revista Eletrônica Da ANPHLAC, 22(33), 320–358. https://doi.org/10.46752/anphlac.33.2022.4041