The Paraguayan War presented from a “military perspective” in the illustrated press in Rio de Janeiro


  • Lúcia Stumpf USP



Paraguayan War (1864-1870); Visual Culture; Illustrated Press.


This article focuses on the Illustrated Press coverage of the Paraguayn War (1864-1870) in Rio de Janeiro, especially dedicated to the analysis of the prints published under the seal of an eyewitness to the conflict. The relevance of the participation of officers of arms of the Empire as correspondents of two periodicals in particular is demonstrated: Semana Ilustrada e A Vida Fluminense. Based on the comparison with the Civil War (1861-1865) in the United States, it is concluded that the role reserved for military technical drawings in the visual coverage of the war reinforced public abstention by providing readers with the position of passive spectators of the event.


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How to Cite

Stumpf, L. (2022). The Paraguayan War presented from a “military perspective” in the illustrated press in Rio de Janeiro. Revista Eletrônica Da ANPHLAC, 22(33), 84–113.