Eisenhower’s secret war in Latin America
The strategic planning of an anti-communist and anti-nationalist continental offensive (1953-1961)
US – Latin American relations; anticommunism; covert operations.Abstract
The article addresses the planning of operations against communism and nationalism in Latin America carried out by officials of the Eisenhower government in its first term, highlighting the preventive nature of this mobilization and the importance attributed to covert actions. Regarding the elaboration of this plan of interventions in the internal affairs of Latin American countries, we question the scholarly assertion that Latin America had no strategic importance for the United States between the late 1940s and most of the 1950s. On the contrary, official US documentation shows that the Eisenhower administration treated Latin America as one of the battlefields of the Cold War.
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Notícias de jornais
“Lido no Senado o manifesto de numerosas senhoras brasileiras contra Conferência Latino-Americana de Mulheres”. Correio da Manhã, 07/08/1954, terceira página.
“O futuro panorama político brasileiro”. Correio da Manhã, 03/10/1954, primeira página.
“Em defesa de seus direitos de mães, trabalhadoras e cidadãs”. Imprensa Popular, 04/09/1954, sétima página.
Disponíveis na Hemeroteca Digital Brasileira, da Biblioteca Nacional:
Acesso 29 jul 2022.
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