The Argentine human rights movement: a bibliographical review (1985-2019)
Abstract:The purpose of our paper is to outline a bibliographical review on the Argentine human rights movement and to understand the production of a historical narrative linking the struggle for human rights and the resistance during the years of the most recent civil-military dictatorship (1976-1983). In the 1980s, the first analyses that sought to delimit which actors were part of the so-called human rights movement produced this historical narrative. In the 1990s, the incorporation of memory as a research theme by academics emerged a process of questioning the imaginary, practices and discourses that constituted the “human rights field”. In recent years, especially because of the access to human rights archives and the use of Oral History methodology, we have noticed the recognition of other memories, stories and perspectives that broadened our understanding on the configuration of the human rights mobilization in Argentina.
Keywords: Argentina; recent history; social movements; human rights.
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