A review of the Anti-Anticolonial Struggle and the Socialist Revolution in Mozambique: Aquino de Bragança's work as a reference for contemporary struggles in Africa and Latin America


  • Luiz Felipe Leão Maia Brandão Universidade Federal da Fronteira Sul




Aquino de Bragança; Africa; Latin-America.


The aim of this paper is debating the anti-colonial struggle and the socialist revolution based on the work of the Goan-born/Mozambique-rooted intellectual Aquino de Bragança. This paper establishes an interlocution between the work of this thinker and the debate on the aforementioned themes, taking into account contemporary Africa and Latin America. Therefore, it summarizes Bragança's work by listing some of the main questions that it raised, regarding anti-colonialism and the socialist revolution in Mozambique and extracting the general theoretical elements of Bragança's thinking, linking the themes presented in the previous section to the Latin American context. The article reaffirms the relevance of Aquino de Bragança's work to the debates on the struggles against imperialism, in all subjugated post-colonial countries in contemporaneity.



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How to Cite

Leão Maia Brandão, L. F. (2022). A review of the Anti-Anticolonial Struggle and the Socialist Revolution in Mozambique: Aquino de Bragança’s work as a reference for contemporary struggles in Africa and Latin America . Revista Eletrônica Da ANPHLAC, 22(32), 77–97. https://doi.org/10.46752/anphlac.32.2022.4004